2012 – November #18

Errol: There are many over achievers out there, and you guys are pretty darn impressive! 😀 Hope you appreciated your ML yesterday on Friday for ML Appreciation day! 😀

15 thoughts on “2012 – November #18

  1. Got to love Ed, but he would be the one to get under my skin if I had to deal with him. But it’s so sad seeing Tim in such a tough spot, I do hope there will be some happiness for him this month.

  2. Errol, your last few blurbs have been climbing the right hand side of the comic- might want to do something about that…

  3. So, when do we get to see the old crew again? You said that there would be cameos (October prologue #15) but we’re over halfway through the month without a single one. I miss Dave, and Rob, and Jen…

  4. Oooh. I feel special. LOL. I just hit 62k yesterday while hosting a write-in with my wrimos. It was the best way to spend ML appreciation day. We had over two hours of word-wrangling goodness and Peppermint Mochas at Starbucks. 😉 Love this cartoon! Go Fran! And Ed….oh Ed.

    • It’s a SUSHI! ALLLOO! I got someone to update the wiki about Nanomusical! 😀 I wonder if there is a nanotoons section… Is there a section on the wiki called Nano Fandom? Could there be?

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