2014 – December 1


Thanks so much to all of you who’ve been following. Please, take a look at my good friend Kari Maaren, who has her own webcomic. It’s weird and wonderful!

I can’t believe another year has gone by. Wow. These comics have been going on for a while, haven’t they? Who knows what’s going to happen next year? I’m not going to think about it. Maybe I will get a chance to tour my local regions and play songs. That’d be cool. *laugh*

BTW, my sense of humour is pretty much the same everywhere. If you’re interested, I do have another webcomic, which… is going on hiatus in the month of December. Hunh. Oh well. There’ s over a 1000 though, so you can catch up. ^_^

Anyway, have a great year, everyone! And if you ever meet me, please say hi!

2014 – November 30

Nanotoons_2014_11_30Errol: My region is having a subway write-a-thon again! Huzzah! Last night, if all goes well, I did a #NaNoGig! ^_^ Debs & Errol went to Kitchener, Ontario to perform some NaNo songs. We never get a chance to play those songs in our normal repertoire so it’s great to finally do so!

2014 – November 28

Nanotoons_2014_11_28Errol: Don’t worry, Jen. I have last-minute stress for you. Btw, that would be a hoot. What if we waited until the LAST day of NaNoWriMo to do 50k in a day? Hunh? Wow, that would be super stressful.

2014 – Guest Comic

When I went to NOWD, I met all sorts of wonderful people. I got a chance to talk to your Communications Captain, Lauren Harsma. She does wonderful sketches and I asked her to sketch anything for Thanksgiving! And huzzah! Here it is! (I will make this a thing now. Guest comics on Thanksgiving because hey, why not add to other people’s plates?)



Lauren Harsma creates things – mostly stories and portraits of people she doesn’t know (and which she occasionally displays on Instagram), but sometimes she dabbles the making of delicious cakes, the invention of alien languages, and the fabrication of enormous lies. She lives in Berkeley, where she eats burritos and works as the Communications Captain at NaNoWriMo, but will soon be relocating to Berlin to help launch online publishing house Inkitt.

2014 – November 25

Nanotoons_2014_11_25Errol: Tomorrow, I have a guest artist. When I was #NOWD, I just randomly asked someone to do a guest comic and she said yes. HUZZAH! I should do that for every Thanksgiving comic considering I never know how to add Thanksgiving in because I always forget.

2014 – November 23

Nanotoons_2014_11_23Errol: Combo Breaker! Yes! I broke the pattern! And no, it wasn’t because people were expecting the pattern. This was written a few days ago. ^_^ And as of today, I only have two more NaNoToons to do! I’m so happy. That means I can work on my novel! And my other webcomic. I got my readers in my other webcomic to do some guest comics, so that made my life a lot easier! ^_^